1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

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Pastor's Page 2022-07-10

Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners:

I hoped that you also had a wonderful celebration of July 4 (Independence Day) this past week.  What a great day to remember and celebrate the reality of who we are as a nation and as a people to continue to set high the value of Freedom, Peace and Justice.  We pray that God continue to bless our nation and form our world to the values that we hold dear in our heart.

In this 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time, once again, we encounter Luke’s Gospel story in chapter 10:25-37.  It is powerful, for it speaks of the power of love that transcends all creeds and cultures and "creates" a neighbor out of a complete stranger.  The parable is personal, for it describes with profound simplicity the birth of a human relationship that has a personal, physical touch, transcending social and culture, as one person binds the wounds of another.  The parable is a pastoral, for it is filled with the mystery of care and concern that is at the heart of what is best in human beings.  The story of a “good Samaritan” is primarily practical, for it urges us to cross all barriers of culture and community and to go and do likewise!

A special second collection for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA will be taken at ALL the Masses this weekend.  The mission of the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA (AMS) is “Serving those who serve”.  The ministry of the AMS is to provide for the pastoral care of Catholics in the armed forces (at home & abroad), military academies, Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and those working in civilian jobs for the federal government beyond U.S. borders – a total of 1.8 million Catholics worldwide.  Please, be generous to give for those who “Serving those who serve”.

Again, a special BIG work of THANKS to all the Guatemalan Community for the truly special celebration on the occasion of the Feast Day of the two great Apostles – St. Peter and St. Paul, who also happen to be the patron saint of the town where the majority of our Guatemalan parishioners came from.  Fr. Edgar from this diocese was sent on behalf of the Cardinal Ramazzini to come and celebrate this special event this year.  Thank you for enriching our parish faith community through the witness of your faith and customs.

It’s not too late to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year 2022.  If you did not have a chance to participate, you will receive a follow up mailing from the parish for this purpose; please see the reporting in the bulletin. 

“Thank You” for many families who continue to support our parish in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year; please join with your fellow parishioners to support the ACA by returning your completed envelop.  Any amount, small or large, will help our parish goal and most especially, to help upgrade our parish audio and technology upgrade this year.

While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Prince of Peace and St. Gabriel.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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