1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

Faith Formation

We are called to catechize our young people, we strive to catechize the entire Price of Peace Community no matter with language they speak or the culture they were born too.

Elementary Catechesis
Elementary Catechesis is designed for children from kindergarten through fifth grade. Our program includes catechesis for every grade level, and sacramental prep for First Confession and First Holy Communion.

Middle School
Middle School is now the age of Confirmation in the Seattle Archdiocese, the new Parish's program for our younger teens (sixth through eighth grade). Our ministry will help children navigate difficult middle school years with confidence, purity, and faith.

High School Youth Group
Detail to come!

For more information contact Ramiro Gaspar Lorenzo @ 360-205-4249 ramiro@stgabepop.org or Maria Murphree (360) 228-7004  michael@stgabepop.org
Para más información contacte a Ramiro Gaspar Lorenzo @ 360-205-4249 ramiro@stgabepop.org or Maria Murphree (360) 228-7004  michael@stgabepop.org