1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

February 2020 archive of Pastor's Page

February 2020 archive of Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page 2020-03-01

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 2/24/20

Dear Parishioners:

  Alert!  Alert! … We’re one week away from “Daylight Saving” time on Sunday March 8 (set clock forward).



We continue living the Mystery of the Incarnation of Jesus (Christmas) in our world and in our lives ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-02-23

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 2/19/20

Dear Parishioners:

The three Scripture readings this 7th Sunday of Ordinary Time, issue three calls to us, to be holy as the Lord our God is holy; to not deceive ourselves with the wisdom of this age; and to love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us. 

... Read More »

Pastor's Pages 2020-02-16

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 2/14/20

Dear Parishioners:   R.I.P. ARCHBSIHOP ALEXANDER J. BRUNETTThank you for your 13 years of Ministry in our Archdiocese of Seattle.  Happy Presidents Day – Monday February 17… This long weekend helps us to celebrate and remember the birthdays and the lives of our first President, George Washington and others like ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-02-02

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 2/13/20

Dear Parishioners: The fourth-week in Ordinary Time this year is February 2 and traditionally, the Church celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. This feast is known as the feast of Encounter in the Eastern Church where it began.  In 1997, Pope John Paul II instituted a ... Read More »


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