1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

April 2020 archive of Pastor's Page

April 2020 archive of Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page 2020-05-03

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 4/29/20

Dear Parishioners:

I submitted this column to the bulletin-printing company before knowing what our Governor will say about a decision on his executive order “Stay-at-home, Stay Healthy” expired on Monday, May 4.  But, it is clear that what we once thought was a very temporary situation, is actually, going ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-04-26

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 4/29/20

Dear Parishioners:

JESUS IS RISEN … … ALLELUIA!!! a familiar phrase for all Christians, but so special for all of us to proclaim not just with our lips but living as witnesses to this new reality.  May the “risen Christ” bless you and all your families in this Holy ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-04-05

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 4/06/20

Dear Parishioners:

Palm/Passion Sunday signals the “Holiest Week” of the year for all Christians in the world.  Holy Week is the heart of our liturgical life, gathering us, year after year, to celebrate the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection.  Clearly, as we continue to fight Covid-19 ... Read More »


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