1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

October 2021 archive of Pastor's Page

October 2021 archive of Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page 2020-10-31

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/29/21

Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners: Thank you for joining the Church and all people of Good Will as we approach the end of the month of October, celebrating Respect for Life (from the womb to the tomb) and learning more about the Church teaching on the Sacred Gift of ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2021-10-24

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/20/21

Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners: In this 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Mark tells the story of Jesus' encounter with Bartimaeus, a blind man and a beggar in the Gospel (Mk 10:46-52).  Compassion for the outcast was a hallmark of Jesus' ministry and healing stories in the Gospels never ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2021-10-10

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 10/09/21

Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners: Mark's Gospel on this 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time is the story of Jesus' encounter with the man seeking eternal life is essentially a vocation story (Mark 10:17-30). It is the only story in Mark in which the individual called responds not by following, ... Read More »


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