1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

October 2022 archive of Pastor's Page

October 2022 archive of Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page 2022-10-30

Posted by Paul Turner on 10/28/22

Dear Parishioners:---If you visit the Holy Land and especially the oldest city on earth, Jericho, from theGospel story, the locals will take delight in pointing out the ruins of the walls that Joshua(led the Israelites into the Promised Land) brought down in one of the Old Testament’smighty battles that ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-10-23

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:---As a result of Hurricane Ian’s havoc – first across Cuba and the Dominican Republicand then the southeast U.S. starting in Florida – lives have been lost and many Churchproperties, along with homes and businesses, have been severely damaged or destroyed.Catholic Relief Services and its local partners are ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-10-16

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:

 TODAY IS WORLD MISSION SUNDAY. We celebrate thisday by remembering our baptismal call –to bring the Gospel to all! The collection todayfor the Society for the Propagation of the Faith supports the work and witness of theMission Church, as it provides for priests, religious and lay leaders ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-10-02

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:


---October is the month of Respect for Life, as a people of faith, we value the “gift of Life – from conception to natural death” and we continue joining with our Church to pray for this gift of Life and the “Freedom to choose Life” and ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-09-25

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

ear Parishioners:


---Maria Murphree, retired Religious Education Director and Youth Minister for St. Gabriel Parish for about 30 years will be honored, this Sunday, September 25th after the 11 AM Mass at St. Gabriel Parish. For the obvious reason of restrictions during the pandemic at the time of ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-09-18

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:


---What a Summer we had!!! … Believe it or not, Thursday September 22nd is already the beginning of the Autumn Season. Like a changing of a season, the parish’s life is also changing to a fuller schedule of different activities.


---Please be generous to C.C.H.D. ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-09-11

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:


---As we come to worship God this weekend, we’re fully remembered the Anniversary of September 11, 2001 and we lifted up those who have died to the almighty God and ask our Risen Christ to remember His promise of “eternal life” to our deceased brothers and ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-09-04

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:

…Back To School Prayer…


---Lord, God … We pray that as a new School Year is set to begin that each child finds some form of joy as they come to school each day and that they become passionate about something in the world that you ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2022-08-28

Posted by Frank Matanane on 10/19/22

Dear Parishioners:

---Today’s first reading from the book of Sirach in chapter 3, speaks about authentic humility giving a true estimation of self (3:7-19). Through it, a person performs one’s duty and avoids what is beyond one/s strength and understanding (3:20-22). Pride, however, begets false greatness, misjudgment, stubbornness and ... Read More »


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