1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

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Pastor's Page 2019-09-22

Dear Parishioners:

Welcome Archbishop Paul D. Etienne

  • As a community of faith, we are very honor and appreciative today to welcome Archbishop Etienne, Priests, Deacons, Neighboring Parishes, and Guests of our Parish Community … to celebrate 25th Anniversary of Prince of Peace Parish. After a yearlong of remembering and celebrating events that relate to our parish community history, we have learned a lot more about our parish community and the true blessings from a Good and Gracious GOD who had and continues to bless us throughout these 25 years. 

We trust that this special moment in this present time bring us to strive to become more of the community that God wants us to be with the help of the Prince of Peace, His Son.

We thank God for the seeds of Faith, Hope and Love that have sown here and continue to bear fruits in our lives now and the future generations to come from this faith community.

A big word of THANK to the tireless works from the 25th Anniversary Committee, Councils, Committees and countless parishioners who have contributed so many meaningful ways to celebrate this special Anniversary throughout this year and most especially, with the truly ONE beautiful liturgy (completely outdoor and only one Mass) and a big reception today.  May God bless each of you and your family abundantly.

  • What a Summer we had!!! … Believe it or not, Monday September 23 is already the beginning of the Autumn Season. Like a changing of a season, the parish’s life is also changing to a fuller schedule of different activities. 
  • Religious Education registration is in full bloom this last few weeks of September, please remember to register your children and youth members for continue learning and developing as they advance in age and wisdom in their Faith Life. Ministries to the people of God at Prince of Peace Parish Community are also in need of new members as well.  Please look into your heart in prayer and ask … How God’s calling you to grow this year and respond to a ministry that’s meaningful and challenging for you at this time.
  • Today’s Scripture readings see the proper use of material possessions as an essential ingredient in the life of faith. The three sayings of today’s Gospel suggest a contrast between worldly wealth and eternal wealth.

The first conclusion recommends the prudent use of one’s wealth after the manner of the children of this world.  The second conclusion recommends constant fidelity to those in positions of responsibility.  The third conclusion is a general statement about the incompatibility of serving God and being a slave to riches.

As Christians, we are stewards of what God has given us. We do not own it. In the kingdom, rewards and responsibilities will be given to those who demonstrated faithfulness in their earthly entrustments.

  • If you ever been asked to share or explain your faithand hesitate of how to start …!!! Come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith.  The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) Team is ready to begin preparing for the people who God call and through the help of all the parishioners of our parish community to recommend for exploring or renewing or deepening in the Catholic Faith. Please talk to the RCIA Team Members.  Please check the bulletin in regard to any Religious Programs or call the Religious Office for more information.

Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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