1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

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Pastor's Page 2019-09-29

Dear Parishioners:

  • What a memorable 25th Anniversary Celebration last Sunday, September 22! Even the rain didn’t damper this unique event that our parish community had prepared for this whole year.  Every committee, groups and Individual have done everything that we could do and the day of celebration we entrust to our Lord, the Prince of Peace, for all the blessings and memories.

A big word of THANK to Archbishop Paul D. Etienne and the Archdiocesan Liturgy Office, Fr. Ron Belisle, Fr. Pete Peterson, Deacon John Ricciardi, Deacon Romeo, along with the tireless works from: The 75th Anniversary Committee, Liturgy Committee, St. Monica Guilds, The Knights of Columbus, our Hispanic Community, the Parish Staff and countless parishioners who have contributed so many meaningful ways to celebrate this special Anniversary throughout this year and most especially, with the beautiful liturgy and reception.  May God bless each of you and your family abundantly.

  • In today’s first reading, the prophet Amos is quite serious about the complacent folk who pamper themselves at the expense of others, and have apparently lost interest in the sufferings of their fellow human beings. Amos is the great champion of the poor.

Also, in today’s Gospel of Luke, the provocative parable of the rich man and Lazarus again illustrates Luke’s concern with Jesus’ attitude toward the rich and the poor.

Luke, chapter 16 is not just about money or wealth. When we really understand the chapter, the key element in both parables is personal relationships.  Almsgiving is good but involvement is better.  Ministering to the financially poor and the spiritually bankrupt develops our potential to enrich others as we are enriched in the process.  

Our focus must be on the well-being of the poor and downtrodden.  It is in giving that we receive.  And God loves cheerful givers!  

What are we depending on?       

Do we think being rich means we are right with God?  

Do we worry enough about eternity?

  • Tuesday is the beginning of the month of October, reminding us of the month of Respect for Life. As a people of faith, we value the gift of Life – from conception to natural death and in fact, this weekend, we join with our Church to pray for this gift of Life and the “Freedom to choose Life” and “Religious Freedom” with a Novena (9 days) in this effort.   
  • October is also the Month of the Rosary. There are opportunities to pray the Rosary before each Mass on the weekend; come early before Mass and join with other parishioners to pray this beautiful traditional prayer for Life and Peace.

There is a “Living Rosary” – everyone is invited to participate in this event on Saturday, October 12 - 2:00 PM at Prince of Peace Parish; each person represents “a beat” for this Living Rosary prayer.  Also, remember to pray the Rosary with your family for Life and Peace in the World throughout this month of October.


Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang



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