1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

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Pastor's Page 2019-10-06

Dear Parishioners:

  • October is the month of Respect for Life, as a people of faith, we value the “gift of Lifefrom conception to natural death” and we continue joining with our Church to pray for this gift of Life and the “Freedom to choose Life” and “Religious Freedom” with a Novena (9 days) in this effort.

Life Chain is a peaceful witness and prayer vigil on behalf of unborn children.  It is a national event sponsored by local Christian churches.  This annual event is in Silverdale (Silverdale Way & Ridgetop Blvd.).  Please, check the bulletin for further information and come for an hour of prayer together.

  • October is also the Month of the Rosary – With the Feast of Our Lady of Rosary. There are opportunities to pray the Rosary before each Mass on the weekend; come early before Mass and join with other parishioners to pray this beautiful traditional prayer for Life and Peace.

There is a “Living Rosary – everyone participates in this event on Saturday, October 12 - 2:00 PM at Prince of Peace Parish is part of this Living Rosary Prayer.  Also, remember to pray the Rosary with your family for Life and Peace in the World throughout this month of October.

  • Let us consider today’s Old Testament and Gospel readings to gain some insights into the precious gift of faith.

The words of the prophet Habakkuk in today’s first reading have been taken as the prophet's complaint against the internal evils of Judah.  In Habakkuk, the Lord answers this complaint by indicating the Chaldean empire as his instrument for punishing his people for these sins.

However, Habakkuk's cry is not in vain.  The Lord speaks to him: "Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so that a runner may read it - that is all that Habakkuk gets -- and most of the time it is all that we get -- wait patiently for the vision."  It seems woefully insufficient.  This is why our faith must be a living, growing, developing part of us.

The sayings of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel, continue his response to the apostles' request to increase their faith, and remind them that Christian disciples can make no claim on God's graciousness; in fulfilling the exacting demands of discipleship, they are only doing their duty.

So, questioning our faith and even the object of it is a daily, healthy exercise!  Faith cannot be shelved until we need it, for then we will discover that it has grown weak and meaningless from disuse and will not sustain us.

  • If you ever been asked to share or explain your faithand hesitate of how to start …!!! Come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith. The RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult) Team is ready to begin preparing for the people who God call and through the help of all the parishioners of our parish community to recommend for exploring or renewing or deepening in the Catholic Faith.

Please talk to the RCIA Team Members.  Please check the bulletin in regard to any Religious Programs or call the Religious Office for more information.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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