Dear Parishioners:
- Please support the Northwest Catholic Magazine – the official publication of the Archdiocese of Seattle. Its mission is to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to Catholics in Western Washington, to teach, inspire and form disciples who know the Lord and live their faith to the full. There will be a special collection at all Masses this weekend. Thank you for your generous donation.
- At the beginning of Mark's story of the Son of God, we read from last week Gospel, the calling of the first disciples (1:16-20) and this week Gospel, the confrontation with evil (1:21-28). Jesus is not a solitary prophet but one who calls companions "to be with him"; he enters the lives of four people engaged in their ordinary occupations, simply says, "Follow me", and they immediately leave everything to follow him.
Today, the story of Jesus in the Capernaum synagogue inaugurates the first day of his ministry that consists of exorcisms and healings. The story reflects contemporary Jewish thought that the coming of God's kingdom would mark the defeat of evil (demons and unclean spirits). Jesus' word is so powerful that people abandon their occupations and follow him, and even demonic powers are powerless before it. Jesus summons people to a change of heart, to take a new look at their lives and put their trust in the good news. This is not simply a story from the past, but one that continues to speak powerfully and prophetically to people today.
On this Fourth Sunday of Ordinary time, both the first reading (Deuteronomy 18:15-20) and the Gospel (Mark 1:21-28) raise the issue of the authority of those who speak the Word of God. Authentic prophets taught with authority because God put his own words into their mouths.
In the first reading, Moses tells the people that God will send a prophet from the line of the Israelites. God commands everyone to listen to this prophet, who we come to recognize as Jesus.
Jesus astonishes the people in the Capernaum synagogue with his teaching and authority. He taught with authority because he is the living Word of God. We are all witnesses to this living Word who is Jesus. Each member of the Church, by virtue of baptism and confirmation, has a prophetic role, and echoes the Word of God, both by words and examples. So, we must walk our talk!
- A word of “Thanks” to the Justice, Peace and Life Group and along with the Knights of Columbus at St. Gabriel and Prince of Peace to help our two parish to be involved in a variety of unique events two weeks ago: Christian Unity Week, Celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday, Mass for Life in our local Church of the Archdiocese of Seattle and also, this last week of Catholic School Week or the value of Catholic Education in our lives.
- Women in our parish, don’t forget to sign up for the Virtue Retreat for you and your friend on Saturday, February 6. Please check the bulletin for more information.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang