Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners:
…Happy Labor Day Weekend 2021…
- This is a “unique day” to reflect and appreciate the “fruits of labor” from all different areas of the workforce contributing to our everyday life. What an amazing realization of how we are connected together as a society and as a global community. “With a blessing to have a job” and a day of rest on this Labor Day – September 6, we give thanks to our God. Let’s also be mindful of those who have lost their jobs and those who are struggling to find a job in this difficult time. May we reach out with our own blessing, in order to help others in need and pray that those who are seeking jobs may be able to find one soon
Labor Day weekend is also a transitions time from a “Summer schedule” to a “full school schedule” and in addition to many of our parish programs to start up as well. Please, take notice in the weekly bulletin for detail information on these parish programs.
Please take the time to talk and share ideas about Faith Formation with our Team Michael Zosel, Director of Faith Formation and Annie Kudrna, Faith Formation Assistant.
- Reflecting from Scripture Readings this week, the prophet Isaiah (35:4-7) encountered a dispirited community of exiles. Isaiah responded by recalling the joyous memories of the Exodus from Egypt. A second Exodus is in store, symbolized by the healing granted to the blind, the lame, and the mute and new life to the dead. Delivered and saved by God, all peoples shall return to their own land by way of the desert, in a new exodus. Isaiah's prediction of this abundant, new life underlies Mark's understanding of Jesus' cure of "a deaf man who had an impediment in his speech" (Mark 7:31-37).
The healing stories reflect Jesus' intimate, powerful relationship with God and his great compassion. He healed with words, touch and physical means. Physical deafness and spiritual deafness are alike; Jesus confronted one type in the man born deaf, the other type in the Pharisees and others who were unreceptive of his message.
We are blind and deaf when we show favoritism or discrimination because of the status and wealth of other people (James 2:1-5). We are deaf when we do not hear the cry for help raised to us and we prefer to put indifference between our neighbor and ourselves. We are deaf when turn inward and close ourselves to the world because of selfishness, pride, resentment, anger, jealousy and our inability to forgive others.
- The RCIA Team is hard at work – prepare for the men and women who are exploring the Catholic Faith in this coming year. If you ever been asked to share or explain your faith and hesitate of how to start …!!! Come and join with “other inquirers” to learn, share and refresh the gift of our Catholic faith. Please talk to the RCIA Team Members.
- Last but not least, September 8 is the Birthday of our Blessed Mother, Mary. Do something wonderful to celebrate her special day.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang