Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners:
- As we come to worship God this weekend, we’re fully remembered the Anniversary of September 11, 2001, most especially the 20th Anniversary of this horrific event. We lifted up those who have died to the almighty God and ask our Risen Christ to remember His promise of “eternal life” to our deceased brothers and sisters and healing for the surviving family’s members. May the remembering of this anniversary event draw us closer together as a nation who stand for freedom, liberty and justice and as a faith community who always remembered “the sacrifice of the victim of September 11”.
- Congratulation Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg. 8th Bishop of the Diocese of Reno – Nevada on Friday, September 24, 2021. A Farewell Mass for Bishop Mueggenborg on Wednesday, September 8, 12:10 PM at St. James Cathedral is the final farewell to all the faithful as Bishop Mueggenborg moves to Reno. A number of parishioners were on a bus to his Ordination of Episcopacy at St. James Cathedral in Seattle 4 years ago. We give thanks to our God and Bishop Mueggenborg for his ministry here in our local Church and our prayers are with him as he will lead the Diocese of Reno.
- If there was ever a "turning point" in Mark's account of Jesus' public ministry, it is today's story (Mark 8:27-35) is about affirmation, identity and purpose of Jesus' mission. Mark makes this episode the centerpiece of his gospel. It comes immediately after Jesus' healing of the blind man of Bethsaida.
The struggle to identify Jesus and his role as Messiah continues today. Some say individual Christians and the whole church should be Elijah figures, publicly confronting systems, institutions and national policies. That was the way Elijah saw his task.
Some say, like Jeremiah, that the reign of Christ, through his Church, is the personal and private side of life. And there are indeed many who would like to reduce religion and faith to a private affair in our world today.
Jesus probes beyond both approaches and asks, "You, who do you say I am." In Peter's answer, "You are Messiah". The Messiah came into society, and into individual lives, in a total way, reconciling the distinction between public and private. The quality of our response to this question is the best gauge of the quality of our discipleship.
- Please be generous to The Catholic Campaign for Human Development Collection to be taken at all the Masses next weekend September 18 & 19. The Catholic Campaign for Human Development allocates fund to community projects to support the efforts of low-income people seeking to change the social, political and economic conditions that perpetuate poverty.
- Catholic Campaign for Human Development - Working on the Margins
LEARN about those living in poverty. • ACT and spread the word about poverty by passing along this flier. • CONNECT with the work of CCHD by supporting the collection. • PRAY for those who benefit from this collection. Please read further on the insert on this week bulletin.
- Parents, please watch for the information in the bulletin and on the parish website to register your children to the Religious Education Programs and also for First Holy Communion (Eucharist) and the sacrament of Confirmation. Don’t forget, any young children who have never been baptized or Adult who seek Baptism or Full Communion with our Catholic Faith, they’ll be prepared through a process call “The Rite of Christian Initiation for Children/Adult – RCIC/RCIA).
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang