Dear Parishioners:
- Today’s Gospel story in chapter 5 of Luke takes place on the Sea. Jesus is teaching by the shore and the crowds press in on him. Jesus spots the boat of Simon and gets in it, and asks him to launch out a bit from the shore so that he can preach from there.
When finished, he tells Simon to take the boat into the deep water and let down his nets. Simon is wary “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing!” There was something about this Galilean that made one want to comply, so Simon let down his nets. Simon is brought personally into the sphere of Jesus’ mighty power, and that experience becomes the basis of a promise that is made to him.
- What have been the moments of your conversion?
- Have you experienced a CALL to discipleship?
- What experience or people in your life have been instrumental in deepening your faith?
- There will be a second collection for PREPARES program next weekend, February 12 & 13. Here is some information in case you are not familiar with this program.
A statewide initiative of the Catholic Bishops of Washington State, Pregnancy and Parenting Support (PREPARES) program, PREPARES is a nurturing response of the Catholic community in Washington state, open to all, to provide meaningful, local, and sustainable support to mothers, fathers, and families from pregnancy through early childhood. Volunteers at the PREPARES program offer support through a variety of activities for families from pregnancy to a child’s fifth birthday. In 2020, 172 parishes and 428 volunteers were involved with the PREPARES program statewide. This resulted in 8,869 families being served around our state. You can find out more about the PREPARES program here:
- If you have attended 4:30 PM Saturday, January 29 and 11:30 AM Spanish Mass on Sunday, January 30 at Prince of Peace, our Catechumens (men and women who have been explored the Catholic Faith every Tuesdays evening since September) were introduced to the whole parish community through the Rite of Welcoming. Please keep these Catechumens in your prayers as they continue to learn and deepen their faith in the Lord Jesus and continue their preparation to the Easter Sacraments – Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
- Looking ahead … about 24 days from the time you read this bulletin letter, the Church will lead us to another Liturgical Season called LENT. Lenten Season will begin on March 2 - ASH WEDNESDAY. This is a special time for us as Christian to renew our commitment in following Jesus and most especially for those who prepare to receive the sacraments of – Baptism, Confirmation, Reconciliation and Eucharist – including those in R.C.I.A, High School and Adult Confirmation Candidates, Children preparing for First Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Please, keep these people in your prayer as they prepare for these Sacraments.
Have a wonderful week in the Joy of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang