1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

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Pastor's Page 2022-07-24

Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners:


With a sad heart and reluctantly, that I accepted the resignation of our Parish Administrator, Kurt Lawrence, several week ago.  This last Friday, July 22, was Kurt last day.  We will miss Kurt greatly because he had helped established our two parishes, Prince of Peace and St. Gabriel, integrated Staff and many pastoral areas, so we can sufficiently operate as a combined sister’s parish.  Some of the major events had happened during Kurt’s time – A unique celebration of 25th Anniversary of Prince of Peace Church’s complex with Archbishop Paul Etienne when he first came to our Archdiocese; St. Gabriel was used as an emergency shelter for, a once in a lifetime, “tornado” in Port Orchard.  Of course, operating to keep our two parishes with safety protocol for all people under the constant changing instructions of the State and Archdiocese the last few years and this is not a small task.

We wish Kurt success in his future endeavor and truly thank him for the many good things that our two parishes were able to accomplish during his time.  At this time, there’s a committee is working on his replacement; would you, please, say a prayer for the committee who are working on this process.  Please contact the parish office for any questions that you may have.

Today's first reading from Genesis (18:20-32) presents the famous bargaining session between God and Abraham over the destruction of the two cities. The biblical cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, home to Abraham's nephew - Lot, were full of sins.  This intriguing story of Abraham interceding for Sodom is not really about a numbers game but about the significance of salvation for the righteous in a corrupt community.  Christian theology teaches us that humanity is saved by the life of one righteous person!

Also, in today's Gospel scene, Luke presents three episodes concerned with prayer. The first (11:1-4) recounts Jesus teaching his disciples the Christian communal prayer, the "Our Father"; the second (11:5-8), the importance of persistence in prayer; the third (11:9-13), the effectiveness of prayer.

How are your prayer life?  Throughout Luke's Gospel, Jesus at prayer is a model for us.  We must pray unceasingly, for prayer is a sign of our faith in God.  Prayer is not something that we use to put pressure on God to get our own way.  Authentic prayer opens us up to the action of God's Spirit, bringing us in line with God's desires, and making us into true disciples.  Prayer becomes one of the ways by which we follow Jesus in the Christian life.

It’s not too late to participate in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year 2022.  If you did not have a chance to participate, you will receive a follow up mailing from the parish for this purpose; please see the reporting in the bulletin. 

Thank You” for many families who continue to support our parish in the Annual Catholic Appeal this year; please join with your fellow parishioners to support the ACA by returning your completed envelop.  Any amount, small or large, will help our parish goal and most especially, to help upgrade our parish audio and technology upgrade this year.

While enjoying the “Summer rest”, please don’t forget our parishes – Prince of Peace and St. Gabriel.

Christ’s Peace, 
Fr. Phuong Hoang


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