Dear Prince of Peace Parishioners:
- Today's Gospel passage is one of the classic descriptions of authentic Christian spirituality, the image of the “vine and the branches” as to invite us to a depth of spirituality. If Jesus is the vine, we are summoned to ‘abide’, to ‘live', to make our home ‘in him'. The Gospel text of the vine challenges us:
-How do we maintain intimacy with the living God as we strive to live out our vocation of bearing fruit for the world?
-What does it mean, to ‘abide' or ‘dwell' in the vine, to be intimately attached to Jesus?
- Please consider to share the Blessing of God that you have received in participating in the Annual Catholic Appeal Campaign this year 2021. Materials have been sent to each of the household from the Archdiocese and our own parish to inform and invite you to learn about over 60 different ministries in the Archdiocese support by the Annual Catholic Appeal. Individually we cannot respond to all the legitimate needs of the people of God in the Archdiocese; but TOGETHER, we will be able to accomplish the need for all people of God.
ou for your generous and consistent support to Prince of Peacel year-round and the Annual Catholic Appeal 2020. I’m sure that with your help and support, together, we will fulfill our parish goal this year. I’m counting on each of you to join with me in supporting the common Ministries that we share together as a local Church of the Archdiocese of Seattle.
This weekend is the Annual Catholic Appeal Education week. Thank you for your participation and support of the Annual Catholic Appeal last year; please joins with me and other parishioners in supporting the many ministries in the Annual Catholic Appeal of 2021.
- As we come to this month of May, the Church traditionally celebrate our Blessed Mother, Mary in a special way; the Legion of Mary and other parishioners will continue to invite us to pray together as a community before Mass the “Mysteries of the Rosary – a meditative prayer in the life of Jesus and our Blessed Mother, Mary”. May this “common prayer – the Rosary” extending to our family at home and in our own individual time of prayer, as we have done successfully in the “discipline of prayer” throughout the last Lenten Season.
- Please remember to continue to pray for our parish newly Confirmed, so that they will be formed and shaped through the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to bear fruit for the Church and the World:
The Newly Confirmed – Junior High and Seniors High and Adults – on last Saturday, April 17 at 6:30 PM by Bishop Daniel Mueggenborg. They are: Ana Maria Tomas-Vincente, Antonio Cesar Nolasco Marcos, Candelaria Hernandez Juan, Carlos Ignacio Alonzo Antonio, Cristian Torres Zacarias, Gilberto Bautista Pablo, Juan Pablo Tomas Vincente, Juan Pablo Diego Nolasco, Julio Ordonez Cardona, Luisa Chales Perez, Maria Gonzalez Juan Cupertino, Matea Matias Ramos, Mateo Juan Tomas Andres, Miguel Angel Vincente Pascual, Roselda Marializ Tomas, Tomas Mendoza Jimenez, Ursual Del Carmen Tomas.
Most, especially, “the children” from our parish community who are preparing for their First Holy Communion – an encounter of Christ in the Sacrament of Eucharist for the first time in their lives. The anticipate big day will be Sunday, May 30. Please pray for these children by name as they will be formed in the Body of Christ with the whole Church.
Christ’s Peace,
Fr. Phuong Hoang