1171 NE Sand Hill Rd | Belfair, WA 98528

Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page

Pastor's Page 2020-09-13

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 9/14/20

Dear Parishioners: Today’s Gospel for the 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Matthew 18:21-35) addresses the necessity of repentance and repeated forgiveness that are required of those who call themselves Christian.  What does it mean to forgive?  First of all, forgiveness implies that there is something to forgive.  Whether it’s ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-09-20

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 9/14/20

Dear Parishioners: Today’s Gospel for the 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time is the parable of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) serves as a corrective to the false notions of entitlement and merit.  The story reflects the socio-economic background of Palestine at the time of Jesus. The parable ... Read More »

Pastor's Pages 2020-09-06

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 9/03/20

Dear Parishioners: A “Big word of Thank” for many of you who have responded to the survey on the Weekly Parish Newsletter in regard for the “re-open” the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturday.  We are in the process of getting ready for this re-open after the Labor Day, on ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-08-30

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 8/25/20

Dear Parishioners: A “Big word of Thank” for many of you who have responded to the survey on the Weekly Parish Newsletter in regard for the “re-open” the 4:30 PM Mass on Saturday.  We are in the process of getting ready for this re-open after the Labor Day, on ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-08-23

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 8/18/20

Dear Parishioners:

   CONGRATULATION TO THE NEW ABBOT AT ST. MARTIN ABBEY IN LACEY Last Saturday, August 15, the Feast of Assumption, in the Abbatial Mass and Blessing, presided by Archbishop Paul Etienne, Abbot Marion Qui-Thac Nguyen became the ninth Abbot of St. Martin Benedictine Community. Abbot Marion was ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-08-09

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 8/03/20

Dear Parishioners:  From Exodus, chapter 19, the Lord’s self-revelation to Moses on the same mountain centuries earlier than Elijah in the first reading today, when He entrusted the Ten Commandments to him.  The Lord did manifest Himself on that occasion through dramatic means: thunder and lightning, fire and a ... Read More »

Pastor's Pages 2020-08-02

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 7/30/20

Dear Parishioners: A big word of THANKS to Dominic Legge, O.P. who have celebrated the 9:30 AM Mass for our parish community for the last three consecutive SUNDAYS.  Thank you, Fr. Dominic, for your generosity of sharing your priestly ministry to our community while you are visiting with your ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-07-26

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 7/21/20

Dear Parishioners:

  Thank you, Fr. Dominic Legge, O.P, for your Love and Generous of time during your summer visit this year and other Holidays to celebrate Sunday Eucharist with our parish community. We are truly blessed with your presence and the wisdom you share with us. May you ... Read More »

Pastor's Page 2020-07-19

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 7/15/20

Dear Parishioners: **Congratulation Archbishop Paul Etienne on Receiving the Pallium** The pallium, a special vestment worn around the shoulders by a metropolitan archbishop, represents the archbishop’s responsibility as a shepherd and is a sign of his communion with the Holy See. Each year, the pallia for new or newly-assigned ... Read More »

Pastor's Pages 2020-07-15

Posted by Kurt Lawrence on 7/05/20

Dear Parishioners: I hoped that you also had a wonderful celebration of July 4 (Independence Day) this past week. What a great day to remember and celebrate the reality of who we are as a nation and as a people to continue to set high the value of Freedom, ... Read More »


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